Dear Fiona, Thank you very much for your email, and please apologise for the formal response, but I am no[…]
Read moreAuthor: Fiona Scott-Wilson
Brexit Not At Any Cost
Dear Baroness Blackstone I am a British born citizen and a proud European having travelled around Europe as a army[…]
Read moreMy letter to Anna Soubry….please reconsider your decision….
Hello Anna I felt compelled to write to you because you are one of the very few sane Minister’s that[…]
Read more.A Reply back to my MP ….
Dear Mr Tugendhat I very much appreciate the time you have taken in writing a response to my letter. Your[…]
Read moreReclaim our Country back!
Dear Mr Ashdown I read your heartfelt article where you expressed your sadness over the shocking referendum vote and the[…]
Read moreParliament, democracy and unity….
Hello Edward Firstly , thank you very much for taking the time and trouble to reply to my message[…]
Read moreMessage to Teresa May
History will record your responsibility for breaking up the United Kingdom. You have refused to listen to at least 16[…]
Read moreBrexit is going badly……
Brexit anger is growing, day by day, at last scales are dropping and with painful clarity people are seeing the[…]
Read moreA Court battle is brewing…..
The extreme Right-Wing Government is using the “advisory” referendum as a power grab to enforce a new tyrannical leadership. Research and[…]
Read moreThe New European paper fights back
The UK faces a predicted loss of £66 billion a year in tax revenues, with a 9.5% contraction in the[…]
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